Thursday, January 1, 2009

Holiday Traditions

First off, a huge apology for being such a slacker.  I don't even have a good excuse, I have been off work, haven't really been traveling, only sort of had family in town.  But my new year's resolution is to do better about blogging!

So on to holiday traditions.  Without children and only having been married for a couple of years, holidays have been fun, but we haven't really figured out what our holiday traditions are.  This year we had my spouse's sister and her family stay with us over Christmas and it was fun to start figuring out some traditions.  And we finally have a real house to decorate, so that added to the fun.

We figured out a traditional Christmas morning breakfast, and that we like to do the big dinner on Christmas Eve and then do the Christmas story.  Open presents on Christmas morning and then do stockings on Christmas night.

So what traditions do you have?  How have you made them work with different moves and deployments? 


Knit Wit said...

Our traditiond are still takeing shape. Having children now we really want them to have things to remember the holidays by, but since we traveled to be with family over the first part of our marriage we held off on deciding upon our own.

We have always done cookies for Santa since I can remember so of course that is a must. On Christmas Eve daddy reads from Luke, the Christmas story and after setting cookies out for Santa we read the girls, Twas the Night Before Christmas. We open presents on Christmas morning and my husbands makes Savory Breakfast Pudding every year for breakfast. The rest we are still working on, and I think as the girls get older we will develop more. I'd like them to learn to do service throughout the holidays, maybe picking a needy family to buy some gifts for and leaving them on their doorstep.

Kritta22 said...

This is our first year we have had any money to do anything with...we had my student loans and credit cards to pay off!

Anyway we do dinner on Christmas day, one present Christmas eve but it's usually pj's, gingerbread house after my birthday (16th) and cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Other than that...we are still working on it. Connor is 18 months so we have another year to change things up a bit.