Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Get A Job!

So this is the thing I hate the most about the military, okay maybe not the most, I hate it most when they take my spouse away for long periods (or short periods) of time.  But this is a close second; finding a new job with each new move.  Even if you are a full-time mom, the thought has to have crossed your mind, how on earth would you get a job if you had too.  You probably live thousands of miles from the last place you held a job, you have been out of work for a while, and you aren't even sure what skills you have any more.

Your post has resources you may not know about.  All installations have someone who is there just to help with spouse employment.  They aren't random people off the street; these are people with degrees in human resources who have been trained in how to help resumes, train you for interviews, and help you to figure out what your next step should be.  I went in to our local center to get some help with my resume.  I have no consistency in my resume and my experience is all over the place, and I was starting to work from home as a contractor part-time, but I wanted an additional job, and I had no idea how I should be presenting myself to employers.  The person there sat down with me and for three hours, told me how to stress my strengths and rewrite my resume to show my best side and minimize some of the things I didn't want to be glaringly obvious.  

So if you are thinking about or having to find a job, make the spouse career center the first stop.  In additional to help with resumes and interviewing, they also have job lists from all around the local area and can help you with the contacts that will help you to get the job!


Kritta22 said...

Oh I'm sorry i haven't been over here lately!

I have thought about how often spouse have to change jobs. we are doing 20 years so within the next few years, once kidddos are in school, I'd like to go back to work. It's going to be tough but thanks for the knowledge!

LexxWrites said...

May not be everyone's cup of tea, but there is always the option of working from home. I create handmade items & sell them on Etsy- which gives the option of putting your shop on vacation mode ( like when you PCS,etc) Depending on the interests a person has or experience they may able to make it work... I know that there are certain businesses you can have on base in the home as well ( like childcare, massage therapy) but there are certain criteria to be met. I can't remember all the details off hand- but it is worth looking into as well.