Saturday, July 26, 2008

How do you do it?

There are many many subjects I could ask this about, because lets face it, you all do this whole crazy military life so much better than I do and I have it pretty easy so far.  But the question for today is how do you do your food storage?  I know we have all been counseled to have some, but lets face it, who wants to move 400 lbs. of wheat and legumes?  And when you get the more exotic, but admittedly more than just a little ways out of the way assignments (like Japan) where storage doesn't come as easily, what do you do?

We have started trying to accumulate at least some and my mother-in-law did some dry pack canning for us at her local cannery (thanks!) for stuff like rice and powdered milk that we will use.  But I am not up for trying to do home canning outside of a little freezer jam (because contrary to what my husband thinks, it really does taste better than Smuckers.)

So ladies (and any guys out there) what do you do?  Do you try to grow a garden?  Do you have a deep freeze?  Have you given up all together? (I'm leaning that direction, although I believe on having enough toilet paper on hand in an emergency!)  So please post comments and let me know your good ideas.


Kritta22 said...

Hello from Alaska!
I just found your site today through LDS Blogger.
We (as military) have been told to keep 3 months supply of food storage but stuff you eat all the time. Like Hamburger Helper and such.
Another concern with being in the military with food storage is how do you ship that about of weight? If you tell the shipping people at your base (TMO) that it is for religious purpose that you have 400lbs of wheat and beans, they can't count it against you in your weight count. (You are only allowed so much weight per move.) I haven't done this yet because we did a total DIDY move up here. but friends have done it.
Just FYI.
thanks for your site!

K.C. said...

We just did a DIDY move too, but that is very good to know for the future! Thanks!

Marisa said...

This letter (January 20,2002) from the church made me feel great about having what I have!

"...Some members do not have the money or space for such storage, and some are prohibited by law from storing a year's supply of food. These members should store as much as their circumstances allow. Families who do not have the resources to acquire a year's supply can begin their storage by obtaining supplies to last for a few months. Members should be prudent and not panic or go to extremems in this effort. Through careful planning, most Church members can, over time, establish both a financial reserve and a year's supply of essentials."

I'd say being in the military presents us with some unique challenges. But let's not feel guilty about it! Let's buy what we can, and be confident in our obedience.

I also think the financial reserve referred to is sooo important. I think most people are forgetting about that these days!

McDonald Army Brats*** said...

Okay girlie you asked for it. This is my "THING". People tease me about having my own "store" every place I go. I have 2 years of food storage. It is definitely do-able! The trick is about 2-3 months before we PCS I stop buying most of the groceries. We live through our food storage. Not the superpails. I use every bit of food storage I can which serves two purposes, rotates the food, and saves on the packing/moving. The money in your grocery budget that you don't spend because you are eating your food storage, you set that aside so that when you get to your new place you have a big chunk of money to stock up your new food storage with. This is what I have done every time. It works great with us. I store superpails, I store #10 cans, and then I also store 3 months worth of things I use daily canned foods, condiments, blueberry muffins, stuff like that. Food storage is definitely do-able! I really enjoy it. It is a great comfort I think. Especially here in AK where there is only one road in and one road out. I have stored water under the beds, get creative. Heavenly Father helps us when we are trying to following his counsel. :) I also have told the movers that yes my food storage is going, and they can't say anything about it because it is for religious purposes! :)